In this week’s class, as we near the end of the semester, we reflected on our thoughts and feelings with regards to online learning. In breakout rooms, we discussed the pros and cons we have experienced this past semester learning online and ‘attending’ school from the comfort of our homes. As a class, we then made a google document together combining all our thoughts, something I found very interesting as I could see many people were having the same experiences and feelings as myself! There were three different topics of discussion, which we discussed as activities in our breakout rooms of approximately 6 or so people. This was nice as it was a perfect amount of people in the breakout rooms-we all had a chance to talk and discuss with one another. The three activity topics where as follows…
Activity One
- Brainstorm ideas capturing your experience of both the positive and negative aspects of learning online.
Activity Two
- What types of online courses have you experienced this year, or in the past?
Activity Three
- What is made only possible for teaching and learning when conducted face to face?
- What is made only possible for teaching and learning when conducted online?
I found these prompts super helpful in starting the conversation-I find it helps to have guiding questions/prompts rather than just a vague and broad statement to go off of. I would rather not focus on the negatives of online learning and school, there are definitely a few, however I strongly believe there are more positives than negatives overall! I have made my own list, similar to our class one, of all the positives I have experienced over the past few months attending classes from home.
- I don’t have to commute → which gives more time for school work, family, friends, walking my dog Boo and general time for other activities.
- I can learn from comfort of my own home, where I have everything I need just a few feet away.
- My dog is not alone all day and she is great company!
- I can wear whatever I feel like (don’t have to dress for the weather which is nice).
- Less anxiety around commuting (ex. missing the bus, being late for class etc.)
- Less money spent on commuting and snacking!
- I can work more as I am much closer to work at my home than I would be at campus!
- My schedule is fairly flexible.
- 8:30 AM classes are easier to go to (I don’t have to wake up earlier and be on the bus at 7am to get to class on time!)
I think that as we move forward, especially now seeing that we are more than capable of attending school online, we will see more and more online classes/courses. Sometimes I miss the social aspect of attending school, but I believe that hopefully by the fall of 2021 we will be able to be back in class-and I can get my social fix then.
A few things that have helped me stay focused and complete my school work on time have been the support of my friends and family, and my agenda! Prior to the new Covid Law, prohibiting people from entering each others homes, my friends and I would have study days as we all live within the same district. We would usually congregate at my place and take ownership of the dining room table until dinner time. I found this was an excellent way to stay motivated while also getting a little bit of socialization. As I also mentioned, my trusty agenda has been a lifesaver this semester. I usually use my agenda an excessive amount on average (I write down EVERYTHING) however I have found it even more important this year!