As we pass the halfway mark in the semester, with the end only a month away now, I have decided to use this blog post to reflect on the semester and work we’ve done to date. At first, I found the online schooling via zoom and asynchronized activities rather difficult, however as the weeks progressed I found it became easier and easier. I suppose humans are very adaptive animals and change is a part of growth and I have definitely grown this year with regards to my views, self discipline and study ethic. 

Photo by Luis Villasmil on Unsplash

Because everything is online this year which at times has made it difficult (at least for me) to keep track of assignments, due dates etc. due to the fact that information is kept in a different place for almost every course it seems. Because of this, my agenda has come in handy more than ever this year. I use it extensively to keep track of everything that must get done and frankly would be at a loss without it. Because of the online nature of everything given the pandemic, I have found that I am much more organized (as I need to be) than usual in an attempt to keep up with the slight chaos that seems to come with online schooling. 

Overall, after the first initial shock of having everything moved online and becoming ‘virtual’, so far I have found the experience mostly positive. I save 3 hours daily by not having to take public transit to school, which gives me more time to study, complete homework and spend time with my family. There is also something to be said about doing school and classes from the comfort of your home! Everything is just a room away, which is something I have also appreciated and really enjoyed about this new experience.